Why Are Personal Loans Good For Emergencies?

Why Are Personal Loans Good For Emergencies? The main points Personal loans can be a great alternative to paying for emergency expenses because they offer the same flexibility as credit cards, but at a much lower cost. Some of the advantages of using a personal loan for emergency financing include fast financing, fixed interest rates, … Read more

How Much Can You Borrow With Bad Credit?

How Much Can You Borrow With Bad Credit? The main points Poor credit loans may accept a FICO score of less than 560 or may require no credit score at all. Each lender has different borrowing requirements and maximum loan amounts. Upstart, Avant, and LendingPoint are three of the best bad credit lenders because of … Read more

How the Fed impacts student loans

How the Fed impacts student loans The Fed hiked interest rates by a quarter percentage point during its July 26 meeting, increasing the target rate to 5.25-5.5 percent. The rate hike followed a pause at the June 14 meeting when rates did not rise for the first time in 15 months. If you borrow money … Read more

Why Few Banks Refinance Student Loans

Why so few banks refinance student loans For people who are struggling to pay off their student loans, refinancing is an option that can provide relief. However, borrowers may also have difficulty finding a traditional bank willing to refinance their student loans. Regulations around private student loan lending can make it difficult for some banks … Read more

Banks that offer student loans

Banks that offer student loans College is expensive. Although the federal government provides student loans to help people pay through college, sometimes that isn’t enough. When this happens, students can rely on private lenders to cover the rest of their expenses. While some private lenders offer less than favorable terms, many national banks offer student … Read more

How weighted average interest rates work for student loan consolidation

How do weighted average interest rates work in the context of student loan consolidation? For students who are struggling to pay off their student loans, consolidating several federal loans into one can provide better rates and help reduce the financial burden of repayment. However, direct consolidation loans do not guarantee the borrowers to benefit from … Read more